HAKAWATI | US Slavery & the Hidden Story Behind Palestine’s Famous Jaffa Orange | حكواتي | العبودية الامريكية و القصة الخفية لبرتقال يافا الشهير
Palestinians remember Yaffa’s famous citrus industry with nostalgia. The image of orange groves that stretched for miles along Palestine’s coast are romanticized in our collective memory. But the reality is that the citrus industry bloomed on the devastation of Palestine’s fellaheen communities and the enslavement of Africans in the Americas.
In the ancient Hakawati oral storytelling tradition, Bassam Abunnadi (of the “Preoccupation” podcast), will tell us the origin story of the Yaffa orange.
This story is one of thousands from the chronicles of Palestinian presence in our homeland.
- Bassam Abunnadi