Salim Tamari

Salim Tamari Senior Research Associate, IPS Professor of Sociology (Emeritus), Birzeit University; Research Associate, Institute for Palestine Studies; Outgoing Editor, The Jerusalem Quarterly. Recent Books and Essays • Jerusalem 1948 (2002, second ed. IPS Beirut) • Mountain Against the Sea: A Conflicted Modernity (UC Press; 2008) • The Storyteller of Jerusalem: The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh (Interlink, 2015) • Year of the Locust: Erasure of the Ottoman Era in Palestine (UC Press, 2011) • “Muhammad Kurd Ali and the Syrian-Palestinian intelligentsia in the Ottoman campaign against Arab separatism” chapter in Talha Cicek (ed), Syria in World War I Politics, economy, and society (London: Routledge 2016) • The Great War and the Remaking of Palestine (2017: UC Press); • Landed Property and Public Endowments in Jerusalem (in Arabic, with Munir Fakhr Ed Din, forthcoming Winter 2018). • “Biography and Fictional Autobiography: Najib Nassar and Miflih Ghassani” in Falastin al Hadara (Shuman Foundation, Amman, 2019) • The Palestinian City: Issues in Urban Transformation (edited with M. Malki, in Arabic), IPS, Beirut, 2021 • Camera Palestina: Patronage and Photography (with S. Sheehi, and I. Nassar, UC Press, 2022) Ph.D. Sociology, Manchester University (September 1983). Visiting Professor: Ca Foscari University (Venice); Georgetown University (Washington); Bogazice University (Istanbul): New York University; Cornell University; University of Chicago; Harvard University (Cambridge); Columbia University (New York), al Quds University (Jerusalem) Awarded: Palestine Prize for Achievement in the Social Sciences and Humanities, April 2018 Awarded: Middle East Monitor Prize for Lifetime Achievement, Social History London November 2018.