Malini Johar Schueller

Malini Johar Schueller is a professor in the Department of English at the University of Florida where she teaches courses on US empire studies, comparative settler colonialism, and Asian American studies.

She is the author of several books: The Politics of Voice: Liberalism and Social Criticism from Franklin to Kingston, (1992), U.S. Orientalisms: Race, Nation, and Gender in Literature, 1790–1890 (1998), Locating Race: Global Sites of Postcolonial Citizenship (2009) and Campaigns of Knowledge: U.S. Pedagogies of Colonialism and Occupation in the Philippines and Japan (2019). She has also co-edited Exceptional State: Contemporary US Culture and the New Imperialism and Dangerous Professors. She is a member of the organizing collective for USACBI (United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel). At the University of Florida she is faculty adviser for Students for Justice in Palestine. In 2019 she was selected to participate in a Faculty Development Seminar by PARC (Palestinian American Research Council).