Media Advisory
(New York City, NY, 28 May 2019): PALESTINE WRITES BACK (New York City, March 27-30, 2020) will be a watershed event in the history of Palestinian cultural expression in North America. The festival will feature the creative voices of some of the most prominent Palestinian writers in the world, as well as the voices of long-time advocates for Palestinian civil rights, including civil rights icon Angela Davis.
WHO: The conference will feature (among others):
Leila Abdelrazaq
Atef Abu Saif
Hala Alyan
Ibtisam Azem
Ramzy Baroud
Angela Davis
Nick Estes
Huzama Habayeb
Remi Kanazi
Aja Monet
Mahmoud Muna
Ibrahim Nasrallah
Ryan “Little Eagle” Pierce
Raja Shehadeh
Adania Shibli
Mahmoud Shukair
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Rafeef Ziadah
WHAT: A literary and cultural festival celebrating the long tradition of Palestinian contributions to world of arts.
WHERE: New York City. Exact location will be announced at a later date
WHEN: March 27-30, 2020. The Festival is timed to coincide with “Land Day” in Palestine, March 30th, which commemorates popular Palestinian resistance to Israeli land seizures in 1976.
WHY: Since 2007, the Palestine Literature Festival has been held throughout Palestine, in cities like Haifa, Akka, Nablus, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and more. Last year, the first ever Festival of Palestinian literature was held in the U.K. This US Festival will bring Palestinian literature to a North American audience for the first time, at a moment when Palestinian writing and publishing is experiencing a renaissance.
For further information and to schedule interviews with organizers or participants, email palestinewritesback@gmail.com.